• Lingua Mathematica

        • Should an elephant 🐘 stay longer in the toilet than a mouse 🐁? Not so sure…

        • 30.10.2023 12:56
        • Zdjęcie grupowe w auli szkoły
          Last week we had a chance to find out! The mobility took place in Poland and was filled with wonderful workshops, lectures, activities all connected to mathematics and English. Starting with lessons at school, playing games in the kindergarten, having a lecture at the university about art in mathematics, doing experiments in Hevelianum Centre, looking for polyhedrons in architecture, ending up with teacher’s’ workshops at the teachers training centre. We can’t forget about non- formal education in the afternoons, when students spent free time together visiting places, communicating, having fun, trying Polish cuisine…

          It was definitely a good week. Coming back to the question- the answer is No! Every mammal should be there for 13-21 seconds. Without a phone …

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